May... already

  • Still stunned to receive the Herman Melville Award for creative writing for my songwriting from the New York State Marine Education Association. Truly honored by it.
  • The sea music festival is just a few weeks away and Jan Christensen is riding up with me. Jus might could get him to join me for a few songs. It'll be a fun weekend filled with great music.
  • The grant project is coming along nicely. Keri Sheheen is working on the illustrations; Linda Hickman and I start recording in a week or so and I think I have settled on a publisher for the book. Look for a show iabout it n the Fall.
  • Back at the St George library at the end of June
  • I am the musical director for Ghostlight Theater's production of Grapes of Wrath and will get to do some of those great dust bowl era songs and tunes in it. My old friend Joe Daly is directing; been a while since we worked together.
  • Heading back to Liverpool, UK, in September if anyone needs an itinerant folk singer.  Planning to play at an RNLI charity event with the great Hughie Jones and his fabulous son, Danny. 
  • And, of course ,the shanty session at the Noble Maritime Collection is every 3rd Sunday of the month.


  • a new year and a lot happening:
  • I got the NYSCA ( New York State Council on the Arts) grant for $10,000.00 for my book/music project… ‘Ginger Sea Neath the Celtic Moon… very excited about it. updates as I have them
  • back at the Tavern with Harbortown
  • Very pleased to be invited as a solo act to the Connecticut Sea Music festival in June; great location and a great line-up. It will be a lot of fun and I hope to see you there.
  • planning to be at NEFFA again in April
  • had a great time back in the UK in September/ October, 2023 back at the Everyman and Whats Cookin and a couple of other folk clubs in Wales and Leytonstone. Such a fun, supportive , scene.
  • still doing school programs for the Noble Maritime Collection with Dawn Daniels
  • a big thanks to Nancy and Frank Moccaldi for having me as a solo act at the Good Coffeehouse in October and to the Folk Project for an opportunity to showcase at NERFA in Asbury Park in October
  • and, as always, if you want me you know where to find me…





October, 2022

So much to catch up on.

First off some thank you's (in no particular order) to the following folks and venues:

Dawn Daniels at the Noble Maritime Collection for all the work she gives me and the trust she shows in me, in addition to co-hosting the monthly shanty session with Jan Christensen.

And thanks to Jan, and Bill Doerge, and Bob Conroy for all the work they do in Harbortown and their willingness to play my songs with me. They all have musical lives of their own and I appreciate every second they give me of their talent and time.

Historic Richmondtown for having us every year at their remarkable Tavern Concert Series and at Old Home Days this year. Such a special place.

Naomi Sturm, folklorist extraordinaire, for her continued encouragement and support and hopefully we can get the Working Waterfront Project back up and running.

Molly Garfinkel at City Lore for hiring me to do my thing and for her continuing support; greatly appreciated.

NEFFA for having us back and for supporting folk music in the Northeast.

Thanks to Staten Island Arts for sponsoring the monthly Irish Seisiun throughout the pandemic and hopefully we will be back soon live and in person to get your feet moving and your heart melancholy.

Danny Jones and Kate Duffy for putting us up and giving me opportunities to play in London, both with them and solo and for starting a great new folk club in Leytonstone.

Steve at Whats Cookin in Leytonstone for giving me a shot at his very cool venue. Such fun to play there with some other great groups and I hope to be back.

Chris and Hughie Jones for their friendship and support and the opportunities they have shown me. It is hard to believe I get to play with The Spinners from time to time.

The New Everyman Folk Club in Liverpool,UK, for having me on for a very successful show this year. It was so good to be back.

To the Alnwick Folk Club for allowing us to sing for them this time over.

To Joyce for all she does that allows me to create and gig out.


Bill and I will be going to NERFA this year in Atlantic City and are looking for showcases. Look for me at the Local 1000 Showcase Free Zone or give me a shout out by the usual methods.

Old Home Days is coming up and we are there for both days on the porch of the General Store. Stop by, give a listen, and sing along with us.

I am working on a new project and have a few songs written for it that I have been doing out to great reactions. Don't know when I will start recording, or where, but look for it next year.

It is so good to be out playing again after the last few generally awful years so let me know if we can come and play for you.



- oh man... has it been this long? I have been super busy and some things got tossed aside

- lets see... Harbortown finally has, and has had, some live gigs after such a long drought with the pandemic. Great to reconnect with the band and we are sounding better than ever.

- back doing school programs with the Noble Maritime Collection. Always rewarding and fun. 

- lots of new songs that I have been test driving at sessions to positive reviews. Hope to get some of them recorded soon in at least demo form

- heading back to the UK in September... YAY... and plan to have some folk clubs lined up so stay tuned for dates, or if you are over there and want to see me... please let me know...

- both the shanty and the Irish sessions are still going strong online and have been a Godsend during these troubled times. And folks have really stepped up their game now that they can't just hide in the background. So beautiful to see and hear.

- big thanks to Jim and Pat Gill who continue with the weekly Irish music at their house. Such a welcome respite and some fine tunes are played.

- Just recorded some pirate songs for a video that the Noble is putting together about Grace O'Malley. A big thanks to Dawn Daniels for all the work she gives me and the faith she has in me. Greatly needed and appreciated. 

- the City Artists Corp Grant program at SI Makerspace in October was amazing and such fun to get to reconnect with the always wonderful Naomi Sturm and to revisit the work we did when I was a Folk Fellow on her Working Waterfront project. More to come on that.

- another thank you to Historic Richmondtown for having us back as part of the Tavern Concert series again this year. It was closed for the past 3 years or so. We has a sold out show in our favorite venue and had a blast doing it.



post? pandemic post... 

It has been a year and a half… 18 months… roughly 550 days… since the world as we know it came to a screeching halt and a lust for toilet paper overtook the land and ended that urge to go out and TP somebodies house. Not my first choice of things to stockpile. But those first few months did drive home to me the idea that there is a very real limit to what any of us can stockpile, or hoard might be a better, though harsher, word. Though we certainly need to obtain food on a fairly frequent basis… things…

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Oh man... has it been this long? 

So, I just found out that I was awarded a CAC( City Artist Corps) Grant! Very excited about that as it has been a tough year for artists and my income from music has been pretty slim. Streaming doesn't garner much and live gigs have been out of the question for the most part. But things are looking up. I am booked back for the Richmondtown Tavern Concert Series in February and there will be a live show as part of the grant commitment by the end of October; details are still up in the air for it. Stay tuned

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This year isn't over yet? 

Like most musicians there has not been much to report since the beginning of the year that will live in infamy. I still have not really done any promoting for the new CDs since I haven't been playing 'out'. I have done some things on Zoom, which has been a lifeline but far from perfect.

Our Irish Seisiun has been steamrolling along as has the Shanty session which you will see reflected in my calendar. Both give me something to look forward to every month which is great.

Other than that not much to report. I…

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May... really... wha' happened 

- Both the CDs are done - one is in hand and the other was just shipped.

You can check them out at:    (for Harbortown Redocks) and at : (for Gingerbeard Whiskerchin)

- Two very different projects but I could not be happier with, or prouder of, either of them. And the wonderful Keri Sheheen did the artwork for both of them, as she should do for you (

- Gigs are scarce with the pandemic but I am still doing the Irish Seisiun with SIARTS in a…

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what a long strange year so far 

Whoa... there is so much going on while we are quarantined and nothing can go on.

- finished up two recording projects:

(1) Harbortown Redocks with the crew from Harbortown, at Moon Studio, finally laying down some of the songs we have been doing out for white a while plus a few new ones for good measure. Still waiting for the physical product but it is available digitally on CDBaby for now. Really came out great and the cover art is terrific by Keri Sheheen.

(2) Gingerbeard Whiskerchin-  I explain the…

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Happy New Year! 

- Hoping to have a great year and I hope the same for you. - The new CD projects are entitled Harbortown Redocks, and Gingerbeard Whiskerchin. Two very different thingss but I am very excited about the way they are both turning out. I do believe you will like them. - the Irish seisiun is back and packed. Get there early if you plan to sit and eat a bite while you listen. - I will also be looking for gigs to promote the new projects so don't hesitate to be in touch and well see what we can work out.


- the two new projects are almost done. Some dubbing, a couple of more tracks to record, and then a whole lot of mixing and mastering. One is all maritime stuff and the other is a pretty eclectic sleigh ride through my musical influences. Very excied about both of them - the Irish Seisiun is back and always a fun time. Doug and Linda just get better and better - played at a tribute for my friend Mordecai Jacoby/aka/ Jay Coby the Singing Cowboy. Just a wonderful guy and a fine musician. He will be missed.…

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Fall is in the air 

- A few things this September... SI Outloud and the Highland Games at the end of the month - The Irish Seisiun will be cranking up again soon... probabl November - the shanty is ongoing - the recordings are coming along great and I am getting excited about them - Big thanks to Frank Glaz for having Bill and I live on the radio at WPRB and thanks also to the Delaware Valley Bluegrass Festival for having me back this year on the Kids Stage - And as always I am lookng for places to play so let me, or your…

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-lots of studio stuff in the works. A new project with Bob Harris at Ampersand studio that is coming along swimmingly. About a dozen or so tracks started and planning to add Ray Scro and his mighty saxophones to a couple followed by Linda Hickman on flute and whistle to give a few tracks extra sparkle with a dab of Irish melancholy. It is gonna be a good one with more guest artists lined up - another project going with Henry Falco at Moon Studios and the Harbortown crew. Another dozen or so songs but these…

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and the livin is easy 

- Marine Science Fair at P.S. 59 tomorrow - P.S. 373 this Monday to sing Kate Walker at the unveiling of a mural dedicated to her. Very cool - Moon studio this Sunday with Jan Christensen and Bob Conroy for work on a new Harbortown project; really looking forward to getting those guys in the studio - back to Alice Austen in a month from now - psyched to plat at the Barge Museum in August -